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Despite its success in a variety of different contexts, the current paradigm of cosmology, the concordance LCDM model, has been repeatedly challenged at small scales. Moreover, its theoretical fundations lack of a convincing explanation for Dark Matter and Dark Energy. For these reasons, many alternative models have been proposed, differing from the concordance one in the non-linear regime. Many forthcoming missions (Euclide, LSST, WFIRST, etc.) will test the standard model in unprecedented ways. In order to make accurate prediction for such experiments, based both on the concordance and alternative models, I make use of high-resolution zoom-in numerical simulations. I am also involved in the development of advanced numerical techniques that will enable faster, larger and more accurate numerical simulations.

​Figure: Evolution with redshift of the density distribution of a Dark Matter halo in the McDE cosmology. See text for further details. Taken from here.

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