A galactic test for dark matter
After a couple of rounds, my work about the Radial Acceleration Relation of satellites was accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. To celebrate, we prepared a press release, intended to disseminate the science we do with the broader community. It was published today, and you can have a look at it here.
I will keep a list of websites/radios/newspapers that covered the news (not necessarily in a proper way, some of these are hilarious!).
inverse.com EUREKALERT The Important Trends Breaking112 Vaaju News Headquarter Knowridge Infowars Spacedaily Iran Daily Spaceref Spaceanswers Mfanews
German: Grenzwissenschaft Innovation Reports IDW Astronews Koelnkampus Italian: MediaInaf Notiziescientifiche
Spanish: Europapress Taringa
Korean: Sciencetimes Chinese: You78