Back from the U.S. trip
The visiting period at the University of California, Santa Cruz is now over. It has been very proficuous and (hopefully) you will hear...
Visiting UCSC
Just a brief update that, starting today, I will be visiting UCSC for about three months. I will be mainly working with Piero Madau on...
The ZOMG view on the radial acceleration relation
Let's start the new year with some good news! While diving in the sea of applications for my first post-doc, I managed to submit a nice...
ZOMG III and beyond!
As promised some time ago, the third paper of the ZOMG series is out! We have some very intriguing results here. First off, the dynamics...
Some insight on the assembly bias. ZOMG!
Together with three colleagues, at the end of 2015 I started a project to understand the physical origin and implications of the assembly...
Halo profiles in alternative cosmology
I am very proud to announce that my first paper has been published! It is based on the work I carried out during my master studies at the...
IMPRS membership
Today I have been accepted in the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) of the Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie in Bonn.
SFB956 membership
I am now part of the SFB956 consortium, a research initiative involving the universities of Bonn and Cologne founded by the German...
A new Ph.D. student is in town!
Today my journey as an astrophysics Ph.D. student begins! I will join the Argelander Institut fuer Astronomie in Bonn (Germany) to work...